Thursday, May 7, 2009

Before I Boldly Go Where No Man has Gone Before...

As a young Star Trek fan I always felt embarrassed talking about the series with my friends (most of them at least). Star Trek, in my lifetime, has never really entered the mainstream and has always been overshadowed by its sci-fi distant relative, Star Wars. Star Trek has always held a special place in my heart, I can remember going to see the fifth movie with my father. I have always felt isolated as a Star Trek fan, I'm for sure not a die-hard trekkie but I do know much more than the average joe on the street.

With that said it has definitely been weird to hear, read and see all the praise and hype for the new Star Trek film. It will be interesting to see how the film pans out. I have plans of seeing the movie tomorrow and I am not only looking forward to movie but also to seeing the line going into the movie. Do I expect the movie to capture my heart and imagination, not really. What I do expect the film to do is open Star Trek to the next generation (honestly no pun intended) of movie fans. From what I have read so far it just might do that.

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