Sunday, May 3, 2009

Greed is STILL Good!

I was reading this past weekend how Michael Douglas just signed on to reprise his role as Gordon Gecko in a sequel to Oliver Stone's Wall Street.

I'm pretty excited about this happening. Douglas' Gecko is one of my all time favorite movie villains and in this financial climate, the movie is definitely due for a sequel.

My only fear is that Oliver Stone will find a way to ruin the project. His latest films have really been trash. World Trade Center, Alexander and W.

1) WTC: An unnecessary film with Nicholas Cage. Don't get me wrong I love my Nick Cage just not as a firefighter, kind of awkward. Snake Eyes is still a classic.

2) Alexander: I still have nightmares of Collin Farrell. Way over the top. If you haven't seen this one, rent it take three pain pills and then tell me what you think.

3) W.: This movie is what really angers me the most about Stone. He had so much to work with. Unfortunately W. is no JFK, in fact it isn't even Nixon. Stone really dropped the ball.

With that said, Wall Street 2 has potential but I need to know who is writing and directing before i fully get behind it.

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