Saturday, May 9, 2009

Review: Star Trek

Finally. It took me nearly fifteen years to clap at the end of a Star Trek movie but it happened last night. If you are looking for a non-stop action thriller, see Star Trek. If you are looking for a movie with killer special effects, see Star Trek. If you are looking for a summer blockbuster to hang your hat on, see Star Trek.

From the initial sequence J.J. Abrams takes a hold of his audience and does not let go until the final scene of the movie. The movie is truly a sci-fi tour de force. In interviews Abrams had stated how he was not a fan of the series growing up, but was still eager to approach and respect its history and fan base. The director did not let me down. Not only did he honor the traditions of Star Trek but he also opened the Enterprise crew up to whole new generation of theater goers.

In my opinion the casting of the film was its backbone. Chris Pine plays a better Kirk than William Shatner, GASP. He is the cocky and rebellious leader we always heard about on the television show but never truly saw with our own eyes. Anton Yelchin, of "Alpha Dog" fame, also pulls off a great Chekov, Russian accent and all.

The only true flaw of the film was the overuse of Leonard Nimoy. Yes it was cool to see the original Vulcan but at times his presence seemed unnecessary and forced.

I can not wait to see the sequel!

4.5 out of 5 H's

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